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Mostrando Ocurrencias para: chocolate drink

kuuk arii pronunciación

I. N

1. food,plant chocolate drink


  • Etnográfica:
    This used to be the main drink of the Ramas. The preparation of the drink is a lot of work. You must open the pod, take out the seeds, dry them, parch them, peel off the skin, and grind the seeds into a paste. You handroll the paste into bars which harden. when you want to drink some chocolate you boil water or cane juice and chip some of the chocolate into it. If it is just with water you have to add sugar. It is a very rich drink since it has all the cocoa oil in it and gives some people headaches.
  • Gramatical:
    Because of the compounding, the long vowel of 'kuuk' can be reduced (kuk arii).